Flash Player 离线安装包

本文最后更新于(2020-3-16 15:19:23),链接可能失效,内容可能难以复现。请注意甄别。
© Sunplace,2020 官方下载的最新版本,没有任何弹窗,安装时需要断网,安全完成后选择不要更新。注意,在2020年12月31日之后,Adobe公司将停止对Flash Player的更新和支持。(《Flash & The Future of Interactive Content》国际版需要挂小飞机,否则会被替换成代理版。
版本说明 在线安装包获取
大陆代理版 https://www.flash.cn/
国际版(无弹窗、无广告) https://get.adobe.com/cn/flashplayer/
离线国际版安装包: Flash Player for Internet Explorer – ActiveX https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/latest/help/install_flash_player_ax.exe Flash Player for Firefox – NPAPI https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/latest/help/install_flash_player.exe Flash Player for Opera and Chromium-based browsers – PPAPI https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/latest/help/install_flash_player_ppapi.exe
安装完成之后还要破解此flash player与您的地区不相容(目前此提示在QQ游戏里会出现)。 geo2.adobe.com flash.2144.com www.2144.cn fpdownload2.macromedia.com fpdownload.macromedia.com macromedia.com flash.cn

# 作者:邵广伟
# 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/280248701/answer/1027676654
IE用AX Chrome系用PP Firefox或其它用NP 注意好系统位数,直接替换改成一样的。 作者:匿名用户 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/280248701/answer/628859903 来源:知乎

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2017

本文最后更新于(2018-10-19 15:10:38),链接可能失效,内容可能难以复现。请注意甄别。
© Sunplace,2018


Adobe Acrobat DC(2015 Continuous)版本会在联网时自动更新到2018 Continuous导致激活失效。

Classic 2017

这时需要找到编辑首选项更新程序,把自动安装更新的勾取消就好了。 当然,你可以选择安装一个不带DC的非订阅版本(Classic),区别只是不能更新,我们试着更新了一下。 下载地址:https://helpx.adobe.com/download-install/kb/acrobat-2017-downloads.html

DC 2015 Classic

此外,官网还有DC2015Classic下载:https://helpx.adobe.com/download-install/kb/acrobat-downloads.html 这个版本会自动更新到2015.006.30456,更新完成后记得激活。

Adobe 历史版本下载地址

本文最后更新于(2018-1-18 17:45:35),链接可能失效,内容可能难以复现。请注意甄别。
Adobe Creative Suite
CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3 | CS2
Adobe Photoshop Elements
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
6, 5, 4
Adobe Application Manager
Adobe Color Management Module
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Premiere Elements
Adobe ICC Color Profiles
Adobe Exchange

Adobe CC2018 官方多国语言试用版下载

本文最后更新于(2017-11-16 21:08:33),链接可能失效,内容可能难以复现。请注意甄别。
产品 Windows版 Mac OS版
Photoshop CC Windows (32 bit) | Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Lightroom CC Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Lightroom Classic CC Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Illustrator CC Windows (32 bit) | Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
InDesign CC Windows (32 bit) | Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Acrobat Pro CC Windows (32 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Dimension CC Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Bridge CC Windows (32 bit) | Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Premiere Pro CC Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
After Effects CC Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Character Animator CC Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Audition CC Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Animate CC and Mobile Device Packaging Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Dreamweaver CC Windows (32 bit) | Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Muse CC Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
InCopy CC Windows (32 bit) | Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Prelude CC Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Media Encoder CC Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Fuse CC (Beta) Windows (32 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Extendscript Toolkit CC * Windows (32 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Flash Builder Premium Windows (32 bit) | Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Gaming SDK 1.4 Windows (32 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Touch App Plugins Windows (32 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
SpeedGrade CC Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Scout Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)

Adobe CC2017 官方多国语言试用版下载

本文最后更新于(2017-1-3 16:31:51),链接可能失效,内容可能难以复现。请注意甄别。
产品 Windows版 Mac OS版
Adobe Media Encoder CC (2017) Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
After Effects CC (2017) Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Audition CC (2017) Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Bridge CC (2017) Windows (32 bit) | Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Illustrator CC (2017) Windows (32 bit) | Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Photoshop CC (2017) Windows (32 bit) | Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)
Premiere Pro CC (2017) Windows (64 bit) Mac OS (64 bit)