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待激活的产品和kms激活服务器不能安装在同一台电脑上。最简单的方法就是远程激活或者采用虚拟机桥接网络的方式激活。 此方法可以激活截止目前的所有版本。 引用https://github.com/Wind4/vlmcsd/issues/6#issuecomment-577540676
Because it’s not a bug or problem with vlmcsd. The reason for this error in this case is because the KMS server and the KMS client (Windows/Office) that’s being activated are on the same machine using “localhost” or “” as the KMS server. This is not supported by Microsoft and there is nothing that can be done to “fix” this on the vlmcsd end. If you’re seeing this error, and you are using a virtual network adapter (either VPN or TeamViewer) to circumvent this limitation, or if your vlmcsd server is running on a different machine or VM, please submit a new bug report with all the pertinent details, like IP addresses of the vlmcsd server and the machine trying to get activated.


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