Markdown CSS测试

本文最后更新于(2023-3-9 11:33:34),链接可能失效,内容可能难以复现。请注意甄别。
内容引用 本站调用 github-markdown-css,highlight.js,katex 由 Visual Studio Code 创作


1. The Last Markdown Editor, Ever

Build Status Dillinger is a cloud-enabled, mobile-ready, offline-storage compatible, AngularJS-powered HTML5 Markdown editor.
  • Type some Markdown on the left
  • See HTML in the right
  • ✨Magic ✨

2. Features

  • Import a HTML file and watch it magically convert to Markdown
  • Drag and drop images (requires your Dropbox account be linked)
  • Import and save files from GitHub, Dropbox, Google Drive and One Drive
  • Drag and drop markdown and HTML files into Dillinger
  • Export documents as Markdown, HTML and PDF
Markdown is a lightweight markup language based on the formatting conventions that people naturally use in email. As John Gruber writes on the Markdown site
The overriding design goal for Markdown’s formatting syntax is to make it as readable as possible. The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.
This text you see here is *actually- written in Markdown! To get a feel for Markdown’s syntax, type some text into the left window and watch the results in the right.

3. Tech

Dillinger uses a number of open source projects to work properly: And of course Dillinger itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.

4. Installation

Dillinger requires Node.js v10+ to run. Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.1
cd dillinger
npm i
node app
For production environments…
npm install --production
NODE_ENV=production node app

5. Plugins

Dillinger is currently extended with the following plugins. Instructions on how to use them in your own application are linked below.
Dropbox plugins/dropbox/
GitHub plugins/github/
Google Drive plugins/googledrive/
OneDrive plugins/onedrive/
Medium plugins/medium/
Google Analytics plugins/googleanalytics/

6. Development

Want to contribute? Great! Dillinger uses Gulp + Webpack for fast developing. Make a change in your file and instantaneously see your updates! Open your favorite Terminal and run these commands. First Tab:
node app
Second Tab:
gulp  watch
(optional) Third:
karma test

6.1. Building for source

For production release:
gulp build --prod
Generating pre-built zip archives for distribution:
gulp build dist --prod

7. Docker

Dillinger is very easy to install and deploy in a Docker container. By default, the Docker will expose port 8080, so change this within the Dockerfile if necessary. When ready, simply use the Dockerfile to build the image.
cd dillinger
docker build -t <youruser>/dillinger:${package.json.version} .
This will create the dillinger image and pull in the necessary dependencies. Be sure to swap out ${package.json.version} with the actual version of Dillinger. Once done, run the Docker image and map the port to whatever you wish on your host. In this example, we simply map port 8000 of the host to port 8080 of the Docker (or whatever port was exposed in the Dockerfile):
docker run -d -p 8000:8080 --restart=always --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --name=dillinger <youruser>/dillinger:${package.json.version}
Note: --capt-add=SYS-ADMIN is required for PDF rendering.
Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in your preferred browser.

8. License

MIT Free Software, Hell Yeah!


$$J_\alpha(x) = \sum_{m=0}^\infty \frac{(-1)^m}{m! \Gamma (m + \alpha + 1)} {\left({ \frac{x}{2} }\right)}^{2m + \alpha}$$

Jα(x)=m=0(1)mm!Γ(m+α+1)(x2)2m+αJ_\alpha(x) = \sum_{m=0}^\infty \frac{(-1)^m}{m! \Gamma (m + \alpha + 1)} {\left({ \frac{x}{2} }\right)}^{2m + \alpha}


  1. 高亮代码需要引入Hightlight.js。↩︎
  2. 公式支持需要引入Katex的CSS样式文件。↩︎


本文最后更新于(2023-5-6 06:59:52),链接可能失效,内容可能难以复现。请注意甄别。



  • 本文只讨论续期方法,不能完全保证100%续期。
  • 需要一些基础。
  • 之前的步骤参考文末的链接。
  • 本文只对私有站点做介绍,不考虑SSL证书等内容
Continue reading 群辉NAS搭建Microsoft365订阅续期服务


  1. cloudflare账户
  2. 接管到cloudflare的域名(设置NS服务器)
  3. 需要绑定付款信息(本文选择免费计划,但依旧需要绑定VISA或者PayPal)
  4. NAS需要开启SSH
  5. NAS需要配置好web服务,可以通过内网访问IP地址测试网站是否可用
1.登录cloudflare官网 2.打开Zero Trust 3.找到Access-Tunnels 4.点击Create a tunnel 5.给你的通道取一个名称Tunnel name(本例设置为web) 6.Choose your environment选择Docker,复制下面$开头的命令 7.然后Next 8.在Subdomain填一个二级域名,例子为web 9. 因为我们需要访问web服务,所以Service选择HTTP nas访问的端口一般为5000,如果要访问nas而不是web,则选择HTTP 10.群辉安装docker 11. SSH登录群辉,sudo -i运行第6步的命令 12. 访问web.kkii.org进行测试


  1. cloudflare账户
  2. 接管到cloudflare的域名(设置NS服务器)
  3. 光猫改桥接,获得公网IPv6地址,保证NAS的网口IP地址能在互联网访问。使用浏览器访问http://[IPv6_Address]:5000,测试是否连通。
Q:为什么我们要访问IPv6而不是IPv4? A:因为我们拿不到公网IPv4地址,至少目前电信是这样。 1. 获取API令牌 2. 点击创建令牌 3. 选择创建自定义令牌 4. 按照图片上的参数进行设置 5. 点击继续以显示摘要 6. 点击创建令牌 7. 点击Copy复制令牌,记住这个令牌,这将无法再次查看。 8. 在控制台的DNS里设置以下两行(我们假设解析地址为
类型 名称 内容 代理状态 TTL
A ipv6 仅限DNS 自动
AAAA ipv6 NAS的公网ipv6地址 仅限DNS 自动
9. 登录NAS 10.安装docker 11.在注册表搜索oznu/cloudflare-ddns 12.启动 高级设置:网络设置为host,环境设置修改一些变量 RRTYPE AAAA SUBDOMAIN ipv6 ZONE API_KEY 在第7步复制的API令牌内容 13. 在浏览器输入ipv6.kkii.org进行测试即可跳转到。